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Title |
Speaker |
Improving resilience - Investigation of innovative actions
Sławomir Górniak, ENISA
Securing Multi-operator Based QoS-aware Mesh Networks:Requirements and Design Options |
Ioannis Askoxylakis, ICS FORTH |
Some views on emerging and future technologies for wireless mobile networks |
Sonia Heemstra de Groot, Twente Institute for Wireless and Mobile Communications and Delft University of Technology |
Future and Emerging Threats in Information and Communication Technology Infrastructures |
Sotiris Ioannidis, ICS FORTH |
WOMBAT - Worldwide Observatory of Malicious Behaviors and Attack Threats |
Sotiris Ioannidis, ICS FORTH |
Network resilience from a CERT perspective |
Piotr Kijewski, NASK / CERT Polska |
Hardware Security, Security By Hardware, Secure By Design: some challenges |
Resilience: New Perspectives and Challenges for Autonomic Applications and Services |
Alistair Munro, University of Bristol |
Modelling and Analysing Systems and Protocols |
Christian W Probst, Technical University of Denmark |
ENISA Expert Group on Research Priorities in the Areas of Networking and Information Security for Resilient Networks |
Karl Rauscher, Bell Labs |
Barriers, influences and problems of resilience |
Mirco Rohr, Kaspersky Labs |
On Line Intrusion Diagnosis: a Key Building Block to Intrusion Tolerance |
Luigi Romano, University Of Naples |
Challenges of Comprehensive Threat Analysis in Today's Dynamic Computing |
Claire Vishik, Intel |